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EVENT #2.2 - MULTI-GENERATIONAL JOURNEY OF MEMORY from September 10 to 14, 2021

MULTI-GENERATIONAL JOURNEY OF MEMORY (from September 10 to 14, 2021), with experts and witnesses: guided visits to museums and memorials dedicated to the victims of concentration camps or massacres that took place in this part of Europe in the 1900s: 

  • OVČARA Memorial Home (five kilometers SE of Vukovar) at the site of the former hangar, forever preserving the memory of the wounded and civilians taken from the Vukovar hospital, imprisoned and tortured in the former hangar, and then executed and buried in 1991.

  • JASENOVAC Memorial Site collects, processes and presents museum and archive material on the Ustasha concentration camp Jasenovac 1941-1945, takes care of monuments and mass grave sites and teaches young people about the history of the camp and respect for diversity.

  • KAMPOR Memorial Cemetery on the island of Rab: cemetery of the victims of the Italian fascist concentration camp Kampor is the eternal resting place of thousands of internees who died of hunger and disease during 1942/43. years.

  • Memorial Centre LIPA REMEMBERS the heavy burden of Lipa’s history, a village that on April 30th 1944, in just a few hours lost 269 of its inhabitants, mainly elderly people, women and children. This crime was commited by Nazis and Fscists during the Braunschweig offensive, a military operation aimed againts the insurgent partisans „gangs“. The killings of civilians were followed by ransacking and arson of their homes and outbuildings.

  • RISIERA DI SAN SABBA National Monument and Museum in Trieste functioned during World War II as a Nazi concentration camp for the detention and killing of political prisoners, and a transit camp for Jews, most of whom were then deported to Auschwitz.

  • FOIBA DI BASOVIZZA Memorial: In May 1945 this disused mine shaft was the scene of executions of Italian civilians and soldiers seized by Yugoslav occupying troops. Declared a National Monument in 1992, it is now the main memorial, and a symbol, for relatives of those who died in the foibe massacres or as a result of deportation to Yugoslavian concentration camps.

  • BASOVIZZA Monument commemorates the day when four young anti-fascists were executed on September 6, 1930 in Basovizza after a short trial before the Fascist court in Trieste.

WORKSHOP in Trieste on September 14, 2021 for creating an educational document: "EUROPE History is OUR HISTORIES" - for a non-nationalistic view of history

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